Sunday, June 19, 2011

*insert smiley here*

I'm usually never in a overtly happy mood. My happy moods are always tinged with circumspect-ness that has me channeling some past foreboding just to balance things out, but these days, it's plain old joy of a blithe existence. Joie de vivre and so forth.

First, there is new music in my life. Really nice, indie type music that my youngest cousin suggested to me via a sweetly composed text, listing all her favourite obscure bands in alphabetical order! I hadn't heard of any of the bands, and am now spending my time getting to know to them. So that's how I find myself addicted to Born Ruffians these days. Love em! Music also helped me bond with my lil cousin sis, although calling her "lil" would be a misnomer because she turned legit (21) a couple of weeks back, which officially makes me her older, yoda-channeling cousin. Apart from obscure music, she also likes myth busters and integration and I was like "ME TOO!"

Second, my new found love is Chicago. Each passing day has me falling more in love with this city. It's brilliant in the summer with soo much to do and explore. I feel like a newborn, taking in new sights and neighbourhoods. This city has great food, artsy stores and superb architecture that has me (embarrassingly) gawking at buildings. and then there is the lake!! (which I can partially see from my apartment.) I've also discovered the running track along the lake and when the weather is great, my run is nothing short of exquisite. It's also a "walker" friendly city. I can walk, for hours on end and not get bored! Chicago in summer also has a plethora of street fairs and music concerts. An amazing city and I feel awesome to live in it. My only hope is that it doesn't go apeshit cold on me in the winter. *Fingers crossed*

Third, fixing my apartment is keeping me occupied. I'm doing endless research on the kind of "look" I want for each room and the whole process is TONS of fun. I was soo meant to play "house-house." I'm going furniture shopping in the coming week and hopefully can get my hands on the furniture I've been eyeing. So far, I'm veering towards a kitchy art-decor theme but design projects have their own weird evolution, especially MY design projects, so I can't wait to see how my apartment turns out. But I hope it has a warm, hang-outey feel to know, where I can lounge and have friends come over and play scrabble over chai...That's definitely the dream, so far none of my friends like scrabble although they do like chai.

Fourth, speaking of friends, I'm also meeting many new people and getting to know them. Having wonderful conversations that leave you feeling all warm and fuzzy. Right now, for me there is nothing more exciting than adding new chicago contacts to my phone. Each new contact makes me feel like I'm moving ahead, learning new things and opening the door to new experiences..

so yeah, overall, Happy.

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