Wednesday, January 05, 2011

> 1000 words

If you haven't guessed, this is a pictoral blogpost, capturing some of my favourite pics and moments of 2010.

1. 2010 NCAA Basketball championships: Easily my most awesome event of the year. That epic last shot that wasn't, the celebration that followed at Cameroon, will forever be etched in my mind. Hell it made my expensive education worth it.

2. Improv final performance: Acting silly and making people laugh can be the funnest experience. My improv team below where pigeons did make progress.

3. 2010 was filled with so much travel and such memorial experiences. Two of my favourite pics below. One from Brugge and one from Cairo

4. Re-discovering my passion for running through the beautiful WaDuke Trail. It is 3 miles long and my favourite running trail in the Durham area. Will miss it terribly.

5. Discovering The Duke West Campus thanks to my French Class. I got to see the magnificent Duke Chapel and the rest of the campus in the serene morning light. I loved starting my day with so much beauty to behold. Makes you appreciate life a whole lot more.

6. This was also a good year for collecting shoes. I'm literally gonna be the lady who lives with her shoes. My favourite pair of 2010. So pinkkk, it hurts :)

7. Also a year where I discovered my love for baking. Made cupcakes galore and this was my denouement. Aren't they pretty? they tasted awesome too FYI. The secret it turns out, is sour cream. Who da thunk?

8. Not so bad a year. A few ups, lot more downs. Good memories, painful memories. Hoping 2011, nay praying, really hard that 2011 is much better. Actually, the picture below sums my mantra for this year

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