Monday, January 31, 2011

My Precocious, Precious 6 Year Old

Dear Bloggie,

I don't know what caused me to give birth to you on 5th November of 2004. I think it was the restlessness that comes with being 21 or may be it was the need to have a creative outlet while doing engineering, but whatever it was, my beautiful bloggie, you were born and since then have been my one constant love. Yes not even my shoes. (you have to take my word for it, I'm afraid)

I'm bad at commemorating milestones. I forget anniversaries and birthdays and I forgot your birthday too (sorry!). I only remembered that you'd turned 6 when I was mentioning you to somebody, when she asked me about when I'd started blogging and that was when I remembered!

Dear God, has it been 6 years my love? 6 years since we started keeping a record of my life, my activities (heh!), my loves (double heh!) and my view on life? I want to say that despite the crests and troughs of life, having you as a constant keeps me moored.I can look back at the times and see how far I've come, see my evolution actually. Its wonderfully weird to see your own pattern of evolution. I think its the scientist's daughter in me that looks at various blog posts of the past and analyzes how I changed and where I changed. Pretty cool neh?

But I digress, this is about you and why you're important to me. Calling you just an outlet to my creative outpourings would be mean and belittling you. No. You see I think a lot. I've always been that kid thats been lost in thought. My head is filling up with sentences and my thoughts are flashing at the speed of light. To bring order to chaos, and partly to empty my head of these sentences, I start to write. To give them order and coherency. and thats when clarity happens. Like magic. They come together like obedient wards and align themselves into a marvelous whole. Before I know it, I have expressed an opinion and created something meaningful. Its like giving birth and thats why you need to be celebrated. You are truly my offspring.

I get to create thoughts and opinion and see them manifest themselves in you. You need to be revered because frankly, how many of us create? or even care to create? We are a world that idolizes rationale and logic. But not so much creativity. Parents don't tell their children to be poets or artists sadly. Creativity is a wondrous thing and it is ghastly that the world does not acknowledge or give rightful due to a process where you are essentially creating something from nothing. While rationale is discovery, creativity is invention. You, my dear, are magic and that's why the ode to you. You are my rebellion and my release. When I'm mired in calculation, I come to you for redemption and you let me be without judgment. My own little cocoon in this vast web.

I don't feel stymied in your presence, In fact I exult. I'm at my best, my most confident with you. My general awkwardness vanishes before you and I feel like an unencumbered conduit, pouring out emotions. You have no Idea how indebted to you I am for this. It is as much a safe haven as it is exhilaration.

I could list numerous reasons of why you are precious to me and if something were to happen to the server on which you're stored (Heaven forbid!), I would truly experience the loss of an offspring.

My favourite author/literary personality Oscar Wilde said that to love oneself was the beginning of a lifelong romance. You are indeed that.




Amrita said...

These lines require reiteration - this time from me to your blog
"You have no Idea how indebted to you I am for this. It is as much a safe haven as it is exhilaration"

Don't stop writing - you are one of the few that can fathom that sometimes blogging = sanity.


AI said...

amen to that sistah!

btw, when are you coming to my side of the Pond?