Tuesday, August 09, 2005

New beginnings

my god! does work sap the creative juices or what?. i feel thoroughly disoriented, for one, there's an over whelming majority of girls in our office. imagine, my plight then, coming from 4 years of mech class. jeez its not easy. brings back haunting memories of the girls' school experience. and then hydie sucks, i'm saying this only because i got thoroughly ripped off over 4 passport photos. but i'm hoping things will change, and no cute guys!!!, darn it, i think i'll push for a transfer to the mumbai office when it comes up!

but my workplace is great, we have a uber cafeteria, and i'm waiting to sneak in there again for a second helping of lemon souffle, but they're having a meeting there. double darn it!!!. still looking for an apartment, but i'm put up in the company guest house which is a villa if you please!. i swear, i won't leave this place without a fight. lots and lots of stuff to do, before i can finally reclaim my bangalore mental equilibrium, i wonder if i'll ever get that ever again. that insouciant life where someone else paid all the bills, where your vocabulary did not include rent, immersion heater,water bill, electric bill and 3 day weekends.

i'd never thought i'd say this, but the word thats in my mind right now is "rich husband"


Anonymous said...

He he he he he he he....

Welcome to real world babe!! Soon, your vocab will include stuff like taxes, insurance, petrol bills, rent, etc etc etc

No more UTPT and all that jazz....he he he he..no more dreaming silly...no more thoughts of hiking across Europe while dealing with those hairy scaries in Hydi....he he he he...

Soon..we'll be in sagging b**bies, bulging butts, big lower bellies, thundernig thighs...territory. Welcome to the real world...he he he he...

Now, I hope you understand why I loved visiting your blog...that very *insouciant* state-of-mind that you mentioned...he he he he..

You'll get used to it..all the b*tching, the office politics, the lack of money, the arse-kissing of your boses, the sexual harassment that Hydis are (in)famous for...esp since you are from Blore, you'll be seen as *loose* and *available*...that's what I was alluding you to in my earlier replies to your posts...be careful...it ain't that bad either...just start searching for that *uber* rich guy and find your ticket to Shangri La...he he he he he..go get'em kid....


Harish said...

Hey. I'm sure you get enough of "welcome the real world".
It's not all that bad, once you get used to it.
What it does do, is give you a greater appreciation of stand-up comedians.

Senthil said...

Ah. I remember when I first stepped into an office as an employee five long years ago... I was young, dumb, full of ideals, and forgot to wipe my muddy shoes on the doormat... sigh... the memories...

Anonymous said...

Where are you working in Hyde...

AI said...

look at all you smug working people :P

raki: i refuse to get freaked out by that.

HKS : very very true.i'm taking heart from "its not that bad".thanks.

senthil:hehehe, interesting you say memories, i'm guessing its all good.

anon: i can't mention where i work on the blog, my company has rather strict policies on that, which is slightly ironic.

Anonymous said...


What's with the "you smug working people" bit....you're one of us now...Welcome to the Dark Side...


Sinfully Pinstripe said...

Go to Abids during the weekend. Buy books.
Parcel a few of those over to me. :P

BTW, you really are toeing the line, you know... (remember dooce.com).

AI said...

raki: it isn't soo dark, after all i do get a free lunch

S.P: i will, i will, just need to settle down.