Thankee, thankee *passeses imaginary glasses of champagne around*. Thanks Suhas :)
I like Suhas's posts because of a quiet sort of irreverance in his writing. This understated way of cocking asnook at things around him is extremely endearing. My favourite ofcourse was the beatles' spoof of yellow submarine. Suhas, my man, do write often.
As with tradition, I'll pass the baton on to some of my favourite blogs who I read quietly and who ofcourse deserve to be read by everyone because they're so awesome.
1. Amrita: My favourite blogger and best friend since yore. I love her details on life as a grad student (ahem, now a pretty famous grad student) in Australia. She also blogs regularly and even though we are miles apart, I feel like I have a pulse on my best buds' life. and Girl, I'm not exaggerating when I say this, you're the only scientist apart from the Stephen Hawking that I'll spend time reading
2. Vaish: I love her blog period. I love the quiet passion with she writes about her travels, food and ofcourse tea. Sometimes, when she's describing food, I can actually feel the taste, sitting over 2 oceans apart. Ofcourse I hate for that because it makes me instantly hungry. Her blog is replete with wonder photographs, especially of food. So don't tell me I didn't warn you if you drool all over your keyboard
3. Megha: I have to admit that her blog is a recent discovery. I got to know her through Amrita and now I'm pretty hooked to her blog. Especially about her travel posts. I see them and sigh a deep sigh and then wanderlust strikes me.
I also read a lot of other blogs. I love Jabberwock's blog and the Mad Mamma. Blogs are a part of my daily fix. The first thing I do in the mornings is check everybody's blog. It sort of reinforces a feeling that all is right with the world you know...knowing that my friends no matter where they are doing great. God bless ya'all
Now here are the rules for all..ahem..awardees..
1. Award other people. (Or zero, or one, or two depending on how seriously you decide to take this).
2. Write a post about this award, and link to my blog in that post.(Optional)
3. Buy me any food or drink for this award. If anyone wants to know I like seafood and no vegetarian food please
Thank you thank you thank you!!
Absolutely overwhelmed!
I am starting my own blog, you know!!!
thank you thank you thank you
i would like to thank my parents, my friends, my teachers, my pets...my granduncle's second cousin....
but seriously thank you....i am SOOOO touched and honoured! :)
Hey welcome & thanks! *toasts imaginary glass of champagne*
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