Saturday, July 09, 2005

when was the last time you did something for the first time?


umm 30th july when the buggers sent me through an MRI scanning godforbid, you ever need to pass through this machine, but it needs to come with a warning. in English!!. right so what eis this MRI machine? its like a giant tube where you are sent in and scanned, right down to those carpuscles, simple enough. but right before i was sent in, the operator put a couple of headphones on my ears, "you'll need this", he said. "You'll hear a couple of sounds, don't be scared". they should never give innocuous warnings. leaves you completely unprepared. so once i was in, the machine started and after 10 seconds sent a barrage of mettalic sound for the next half hour. the sequence?
drilling, firing from a machine gun by a person essentially bad at shooting, egg beater, nail-on-a-blackboard, refrigerator gone bad, drilling, this time probably a pavement, more machine gun firing, and then finally "red alert" sound. if you're a star trek fan you'll know this. its the sound that comes on when the enterprise goes on "Red Alert", rather like an ambulance.
My thoughts on the MRI machine, allthough they gave the guys who created this the Nobel, it could also find dual purpose as a torchure machine.
i wonder if they've used this in guantanamo bay.


Karthik L G said...

hey whats evrything alright? why did u have this scan

Sinfully Pinstripe said...

you should be jubilant at the chance of encountering the superior species (made of iron and steel and plastic) from close proximity..

At the risk of repetition, you don't sound techie.

AI said...

Karthik : I'll elaborate on that soon

S.P : At the risk of repetition, why does EVERYBODY say that?

Abhishek Nag said...

they use the backstreet boys at the bay, methinks.