Thursday, March 10, 2005

What a wonderful world.......

......without Air Deccan. personally, methinks, it should be renamed Snare Deccan. If ever there is a death trap in the air, this is it.
when i was informed that i had to fly to hyderabad on Air Deccan, i wasn't too freaked about it, because i'm not too affectionate about AD. everytime i've noticed, the flights are always delayed and how can anybody forget the inaugural flight, when the plane had to make an emergency landing because of engine trouble?. but (as few people know),my byline being " will try anything ....once". i was ready for the experience. atleast i thought i did.
so, unsurprisingly, my flight was delayed by three hours. to pass that time. i went to the airport bookshop and started reading dan brown's "angels & demons". the fun part of reading books for fulooze (free), is that the folks at the book shop are angry but are always too polite to snatch it away from your hand, and heck, i'd never want to own a legit book of dan brown, the man idolizes Sidney Sheldon for heaven's sakes!!!!!. i had finished 78 pages when i got the call for security check. i finally made it to the plane, strapped my seat belts firmly, and insouciantly looked out of the window to see 3 mechanics fiddling with the engine. not a pretty sight considering in a few minutes its going to be air borne. then mechanic 4 runs up with a multimeter and shakes his head in the negative. that was it folks. my flight was cancelled for that day.
since i HAD to go to hyderabad, i was back again the next day to catch the flight, when, surprise, surprise, it was delayed again. this time round i progressed to page 146, when the proprieter of the bookshop gave me the nastiest look ever. i finally found myself on the plane, and it took off, mercifully, when suddenly , insect repellant started emerging from the ventilator system. why? because the the plane was swarming with mosquitoes!!!. people say that the journey is more important than the destination, but with AD, its the other way round.
i learnt how important competition is to the consumer. AD treats its passengers with disdain because it has no competition. its the only ailine offering low fares and ergo it thinks it can behave like a flying cattle van. competition is the only way the consumer can punish the errant airline. i'd never thought i'd say this, but hugs to those chubby mamas of Indian Airlines who dish out soggy sanwiches, atleast they care!.


SmartOxymoron said...

Shucks...such interesting posts and no comments. :( . Tis a matter of time I guess. Or maybe the lack of it.

Anonymous said...

Ditto.... i share your woes on the Air Deccan wonder !!

Only my trip was from Hyderabad to Tirupati.

Another AD experience... I was on an AD flight from Madras to B'lore when one engine went kaput. The captain, the intelligent one, thought it BEST to inform us of this (info we could have done without).

But then, you're paying half the cost of a regular airline... one needs to suck it up !