Thursday, February 16, 2006

Its a universe of levitating snow flakes y'all

The number of times I've had the word position thrown at me this week - not funny

1. Why is that fat paki skipper batting at that Position?

2. Insert the Ad in this Position

3. Its a Position I don't Envy

4. I wouldn't Like to be in his position

5. Position is everything in Business

6. If you don't Position yourself in the market, the Competition will position you

7. This is a prime positiom madam

umm ok, I'll stop but you all get the point don't you?. Its like everybody's favourite word is Position

State of the affairs - Sleep deprived- awaiting a quarterly review at work which certainly does not help and ofcourse stressed.

I can't watch the 11:30 Pm friends reruns these days, guess why? Because every one wants to see us triumph over fat buncha blokes in green. and ofcourse there's the matter of the bunch blokes in dark blue who are waiting in the offing. I'd buy my own T.V but i really I don't much fancy the idea of TV shopping.

hmmm, ok then, I'm off I don't like my disposition one bit


1 comment:

Vaishnavi Tekumalla said...

hahaha! :)
I thought you enjoyed shopping for anything! Guess not! ;)

How goes, lovely babe?