Sunday, June 05, 2005

its the spirit that counts.

we always experiment with restuarants when we go out to dinner for dad's birthday, not so with mom's. Mom's birthday is always celebrated in a tried and tested restuarant and even the dishes are usually the same, soups,starters, main course and dessert. Theres no definite thought process involved in choosing restuarants in dad's case. we'd be in the car, and then one of us would suggest a restuarant, and the night's gastronomic experience would depend on the strength of that capricious opinion. Yesterday it was my loud mouth that suggested a certain restuarant, i'll not reveal the name because certain events occurred, which could result in the aforementioned restuarant losing its license.

So, we entered the restuarant with anticipation and grumbling insides, and surprisingly even got seats without reservation. the flip side to our capricious decision making is that we never make reservation and more often than not, wait outside the restuarant till we get seating. right, so far things were looking good for the restuarant and the ambience and plush seats elicited a warm approval from Dad, till he saw the menu. " They don't serve alcohol???". shit!!!. and of course my bro didn't help. "she brought us here". i got accusatory looks from all quarters and a full fledged glare from dad. i knew from then on there'd be some fine grumbling.
"this is not how i envisioned my 56th birthday, with apple juice!!!".
" 56 years, and you'd think a man derserves his rightful drink, and its not apple juice!!"
" Two kids over 21 years and they still want apple juice!!"
as a last ditch effort, in sheer desperation, my dad asked the waiter if it was possible they'd serve alcohol, nevermind the costs. the waiter shook his head, but also beamed slightly and winked a little. My dad an old hand at this game, then called the Maitre d' and asked him if he'd serve alcohol. surprisingly, after exchanging broad grins, the latter told us he could serve us Bacardi white with sprite and pass it off as fresh lime soda but it had to be done covertly because the restuarant did not have a liquor license. That bought the twinkle right back into dad's eye. all apple juices were cancelled and we got Bacardi in disguise.
i Dont drink that often, and i have this tendency to get tipsy with a little alcohol. i once started singing all the songs from the "Sound Of Music", after few sips of wine on lysh's terrace. it must have sounded really bad because apparently, a neighbour threatened to throw a shoe at whoever it was that was singing, and not one to be deterred, i apparently yelled back that if he threw a second shoe, i'd end up with a pair!. I'm sure she made this up, I was not drunk!!!. Anyhow, back to the night in question, soon i was spinning happily, looking dazedly at the splendid food before me and leaning on the plush chair for comfort. i like this part, theres contentment in all aspect of me.
the night ended peacefully after that, it was not a disaster. My dad had a memorable birthday, and the next time i suggest a restuarant for another birthday, i will not be poo-pahed.
thanks, Maitre d' of the restuarant that shall not be named.


Anonymous said...

so you were the one who was going on and on about maria?!!

now, can i have the shoes back?

AI said...

nai-eh-bore :only if you sing from Mary Poppins.*giggle*

Sinfully Pinstripe said...

Hmm, mighty interesting!

And "i have this tendency to get tipsy with a little alcohol".... True indeed.