Friday, December 10, 2004

ill timed

i used to love falling sick as a kid. i considered illness as a sorta windfall.for it meant no school and ofcourse most importantly, thorough indulgence by ajju, my grammy. Ajju was god's own anointed angel who believed that invalids must be pampered for them to get better (makes sense no?). she'd make her special elixir ofcourse, with ginger and utterly sensuous cinnamon, and if the weather was salubrious, seat me in the garden, under the canopy of a coconut tree, where i'd read (insouciantly, very becoming of the pampered) and doze of in a sea of green fecundity.
i loved her. she was the bestest, but sadly she's no more. and so falling ill has absolutely lost its charm for me. have to make do with popping pills and vegging infront of the tellie these days.
although, between hazaar sneezes, and more than a 1000 winks, i did manage to read a book called "love in the time of cholera" by gabriel garcia marquiz. ok not a cheery choice, but i thought i needed to be soothed by G.M.M's "Magical Realism". I loved one hundred years of solitude. twas absolutely brilliant. but sadly love in..... just didn't have it, or the pathos of "love and other demons", my other favourite. when petulance kicked in, towards the end of the book, i began to wonder if it was the book or my illness that was the cause of me bad temper. suspect its the latter. mom being in mangalore and dad being very busy meant that i had to snifle around taking care of the house and pewer ol me. hmmm. what i really need right now, is LOVE in the time of choler.

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