Friday, November 05, 2004

desert foxy

I saw the most beautiful sight today, which brought back to me why i love this city so much. a beautiful grey day and i drove through this streets that was strewn with fallen lilac jacarandas,very idyllic and something about that grey and lilac combination reminded me of that beautiful old building in cottons. which they tore down.mercilessly, to make way for a swimming pool. why do only people with a destructive sense seem to make it to places of power. stella-the bitch,(principal,cottons) georgy podgy,etc and me, by the cruel scheme of things as mute and impotent as a fallen lilac flower

1 comment:

Ashdin said...

i don't think a fallen lilac flower is impotent, it has the power to inspire an artist or a poet, or maybe melt the heart of the woman who receives it.... or bring back memories of cottons... :)