Monday, March 28, 2011

Writing Project

Inspired by a friend who took upon herself to write something every day for 100 days, I'm embarking on a similar such mission, albeit, for a modest 30 days. I figure I'll be busier than busy in May with graduation and other formalities and so the reduced target.

But why the project in the first place? Because I need it to spark the creative part of my brain. I love creative writing. wait. make that loved. In school, we were asked to write essays on arbitrary topics, I remember salivating with glee, at the thought of conjuring up new worlds, situations and people. There was nothing more exhilarating than letting the imagination run wild. so much fun! But as my analytical side started to dominate due to engineering undergrad and work, I found my creative instincts starting to rust. And there it continued to languish, where now, I find myself dreading at the very thought know..creating something. Where once I could conjure up a short story in a matter of minutes, now I can't even get myself to write a paragraph. So I need this project. to re-ignite my stunted creative side. The ultimate hope is that the constant writing will not only improve my ability to write but also make me comfortable once more in letting my imagination run.

On an aside though, notice my cop out in meeting today's writing ..ahem.. "Target." Instead of ravishing my 5 readers with fancy prose, I gave you a long winded explanation that is neither creative nor funny. so you see why I need to write more?

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