Wednesday, May 20, 2009


(Let me cheat and post a poem I wrote in college...earned me a place on the editorial board in the first year!)

Yes , your honour, I killed her, I killed my wife,
Quite simple really, I used her own kitchen knife,
I find that funny don’t you?,
What’s the matter? I swear its all true.
You see that knife was a present, it was given to us,
At our wedding I think, or may be it was Christmas.
I suppose you’d all want to know why,
Hold on judge, methinks that woman there, could do with a good cry.
I Had had a bad day, you see I was fired,
And she refused to make tea,,I got angry,,, guess I was a wee tired,
Anyhow, “ make it yerself” she bellowed, “you can can’t you?”
She had to die judge,by god , The woman was cuckoo!,
I drove the knife through her heart, I’m sure she suffered no pain,
Why, look you all, I know what you think, you think I’m insane!
Kind of like officer Brady, he was aghast at what I had done,
He was eating doughnuts, he really should have offered me one!
Coming back to where I was, you ought not to let me me digress,
I cleaned all the blood and gore, for I detest making a mess,
I left her on the kitchen floor, I left her lyin’ there,
Made me tea ofcourse and drank it without a care,
I then walked to the station, I had no intention of getting away,
I was too weary to run, not after such a rough day!
I told the officer, I committed a crime, told him I killed her,
But he wouldn’t believe me, “you ‘fessin to murder?”
That’s all your honour, it was just a simple row,And if you have no further questions, I’d like to step down now


Abhishek Nag said...

ah, the poem that made jalan and me truly realise how weird you are.

Amrita said...

Woman, take my advice - become a writer. Live the dream etc.

Unknown said...

Is there a deeper subliminal message here that I'm not getting girl? ;)


Suhas said...

Wasn't your first year editorial board entry a short story with Scottish characters whose accent you phonetically spelled out?

Entertaining poem, nevertheless.

Ashdin said...

i like the way he finishes his chai..

Karthik Shetty said...

Fantastic stuff!!! But didn't think Americans preferred tea over coffee (I'm assuming American coz the cop was eating a doughnut) :P

How' Pune been so far?

Vaishnavi Tekumalla said...

Very nice! I like how he finishes his chai too!

I really want to read the story with the Scottish characters..please post!


stuckinthird said...

cool..check out stuckinthird1.blogspot