Tuesday, December 25, 2007

where we take a break from what is a decidedly dull day at work

and oh I forgot to mention, the boss is also out so yay!

Its december and its time to appreciate the lazy sun methinks. Its true enough for me atleast. I'm a sun child and if anybody is a fan of the sun, its me but ever since I started working, I've never had the time to look at up at the clear blue sky and appreciate the warmth on the skin..till its december. I think I know why. By this time, I'm exhausted, I'm running out of steam, I've taken the hint, I'm done trying and that's when I have the time to look up at that fatheaded sun and wonder about all the glorious days I've missed inorder to keep up with the rat race

December is also my favourite month because for me its the month for "giving up". Yes we are in loser mode today but hey its december, and I have January to be the "employee of the month". December for me has always been the month to wrap up things, a kind of emotional expiry date where I just have to get somethings done- like finish certain books I've promised myself to get done with. But the big problem with december is that it runs out very fast. its like the year too can't wait to run out and its followed by fat old January where you have stand upright again, be infallible and make lofty promises of redemption to yourself.

Well believe it or not, I intended this to be funny. Oh well, I guess it all stems from being incredibly tired and exhausted. Its hard fending for yourself. The dark side of living on your own I guess. Its fun but it has also been tough dealing with not having anybody to depend on anybody but yourself. Like for instance the other day when I was incredibly sick and the fuse blew. That was it really, I was ready to crumble and go back home. But no I couldn't. I had to go out into the chilly night and find an electrician and get the job done. Oh dad, I miss you so much!
The breakdown of the machinery is so hard to deal with. You are juggling so many things and when one of them goes kaput it all crashes down.But all said and done it has been incredibly fun - discovering a new state, a new bunch of people whose language I barely understand, even though I do feel like an ATM machine all the time (You wont believe the amount of bills I have to pay!).

Its been a good year too, I feel like I've been more adventurous and I've definitely gotten a fair bit reading done, so all hum.

I hope everyone out there has a great year ahead and Happy festivus everybody!


Unknown said...

Funny, I never thought of December that way! I think I'll also delete by email inbox, for good measure!

As fresh start it shall be!



Amrita said...

Can echo every sentiment in your post. From feeling the pangs of staying away from home to the New Yr blog turning out not as expected.
Happy New Year hon! Looking forward to more posts this year and meeting up!!