What do you expect when you order Juice? Fruit in liquid form right? Liquid being the operative word here? but noooooo. That's not how it translates when you order Watermelon juice apparently. I got chunks of watermelon in my "juice" tonight. Who invented this stuff? who was this being over smart and thus being very stoopid. And who, pray tell, likes chunks in their supposed "juice" when factually its not even juice - the way GOD INTENDED IT TO BE, YOU FOOLS!
and thus she ranted
It first happened to me in Bangalore, the shanti sagar in forum to be precise. I innocuously ordered their watermelon juice. Not making much of it, because technically technically ordering a juice is not supposed to jolt you out of your senses. But not so with the accursed watermelon it seems. I got something that was in between pulp and juice. and then as if to add a dash of mockery the guy slipped in a spoon instead of a straw!.
Spoon! Spoon! are we eating our juice these days? are we? are we??? (*makes hyper ventilating noise*)
Not one to take such things lying down, I go, "ahem...I ordered for water melon juice, there are pieces in my juice, can you please put it in the mixer again please?". To which, the guy at the counter gave me this "are you toying with me lady? cause I've had a reaal busy day" look. I was told that that was the way they served their water melon "juice" and that I'd just have to lump it (pun. heh)
As that was too much for my assaulted senses, I told him in my no-nonsense-will-punch-if-it-comes-to-it voice that I don't want chunks in my juice. So guess what he did? he simply removed all the pieces, took the spoon back and gave the now much reduced in quantity juice. Yes and I didn't even get a straw.
Today, it happened again. In another city. I shudder to think if this is an epidemic. But this time I lumped it (Note to self - definitely over doing the pun thing) and ate the juice. yes you heard it. ATE it
What's happening to world. What kind of a society do we live in? am I going to see noodles in fried rice now?
And thats not her only pet peeve right now
Damn straight. I have been going to gym for the past 5 days, working out for 2 hours, sweating it out and what do I have to show for it? a grand weight loss of 500 grams!
Things just suck. oh sorry, no they don't, you're supposed to lump it with a spoon. bah!